Patronus Photography

Patronus is Latin for "Advocate", that is someone who is on your side, pulling for you, and supporting you.
It's what I do with a camera. I support you, the way you look and the way you want to preserve your memories, or present your brand. My goal is to be on your side and to make sure the photos I take are great photos that make you look great. In the end that's what it's all about.

I use a variety of digital and film cameras to meet the needs of my clients and the needs of the scene and the vision for capturing it.

Andy Mac

Mac is a photographer in Western Colorado. His work has been featured for businesses in Arizona, TV stations, and international news sources such as yNet. When he's not pointing a camera at interesting things he enjoys painting miniatures, making videos, writing, and his Triumph motorcycle.


Solar Education International, Elite Fine Jewelry, Old Town Jewels, Times Media Group, Tazpit News in Jerusalem, Black Arrow, and many other private clients just like you!